Friday, August 26, 2011

A Childhood Worth Repeating

Recently I took a trip back to Amarillo to spend time with my family and be there to celebrate my cousin’s baby boy's second birthday. It is never enough time but I so enjoyed every moment with them. My family consists of the 6 of us (including Jorde) and then my extended family. The majority of us are girls and so it makes for an extraordinary family dynamic! Every time I come to town we go and get a pedicure and really focus on being a family. We have morning coffee at my mom and dads and happy hour at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Ruby Tequila’s. I LOVE my family and really wish we were closer than a 5 hour drive or 1 hour flight. I just don't know what I would do without their constant support and love.

All that said, I know our little princess (that's right! You heard it here first, we are having a girl) will feel how powerful our family bond is even if we aren't there to partake in the weekly get togethers. I am so happy to add to our "long line of love" and can't wait for her to meet her cousin Kyler and her second cousins, M'Kabry, Kason, and Trapper. She will fit right in!

Since finding out I am pregnant, I have done a lot of observing. It is almost stalker like! While I was home I noticed that we are all really good at being moms.. and dad's. It is second nature to everyone and it reassured me that I too will be a good mom. There is so much worry that is going through my mind and heart right now of the unknown. What if she chokes, what if she is allergic, what if she won't sleep, what if, what if, what if. Worries aside, I turned out just fine and have great examples to learn from.

Last night I was re-capping a conversation I had with my mom about some news we received. Jorde stopped me mid sentence to let me know what an incredible mom I have. I knew I did already, but for him to recognize that she knows all the right things to say at all the right times.. It is just so relieving. I hope I can be just like her!

We are going to raise baby girl in Dallas but I want Amarillo to be a second home to her. I want for her to never have that awkward moment of having to get to know her cousins again. I want for her to run into Nana and Pa’s arms with no hesitation. I want her to ride 4 wheelers, and play in the mud, and eat rolly pollys if her older cousins tell her she has to if she wants to play with them… I want her to have my childhood… but most importantly I want her to know what an amazing family she was born into.

Here is a picture of most the women in my family. We will be adding another one come February. Look out world Sloan Rachelle Scott will be coming before you know it!

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